
Timber Harvest Administration

Deciding to move forward with a timber harvest can be a big decision for small forest landowners. Often, this may be the landowner’s first timber harvest.

One of the most important steps is to accurately define the goals and objectives of the harvest.

A well-defined goal will help determine the balance between timing of the harvest, the anticipated costs and revenue, along with other influencing factors.

Woodward Forestry ensures that our clients are able to navigate this process successfully.

Important decisions to consider include:

  • timing of the harvest
  • choosing the logging contractor that best fits the project
  • optimizing value of the logs with the best mill selection
  • compliance with state and federal forest practice laws including the new rules from the private forest accord
  • preparing contracts with all contractors and subcontractors
  • ensuring process and quality control
  • administrative oversight for payment of goods and services

As a professional forester, my clients benefit from years of experience and expertise, successfully planning and administrating timber harvest operations.

Timber Appraisals

There are numerous reasons a landowner may need a timber appraisal:

  • estate planning purposes
  • establishing a new tax basis
  • providing a valuation to help the landowner decide if they want to move forward with a timber harvest
  • selling or buying of property that includes the value of timber
  • development of a forest management plan
  • to facilitate a timber deed

A thorough understanding of why the timber appraisal is being done is a necessary step to accurately reach the objectives of the client. Once the goals and objectives have been determined a plan can be developed that balances cost and quality.

Once the plan is developed the next step is to complete the fieldwork that includes a timber cruise.

A timber cruise is a systematic procedure to accurately measure the quantity and quality of the existing merchantable timber. To relate this information to an accurate appraisal a thorough understanding of: Forest practices rules, timber harvest process and cost, as well as understanding of log markets is required.

My experience as a forester includes cruising thousands of acres of timber in the Pacific Northwest as well as developing timber appraisals for a variety of clients. My experience in marketing logs and working with logging contractors has provided me the knowledge to structure an accurate and comprehensive timber appraisal.

Woodward Forestry timber appraisals does not include valuation of bare land or structures. However, if land and structure valuations are needed in addition to timber, we partner and collaborate with other qualified appraisal professionals.

Timber Management Plans

A thorough forest management plan is a critical tool for a landowner to manage their forest efficiently and successfully.

A quality management plan includes:

  1. accurately describing and quantifying the existing components of the property
  2. identifying the goals and objectives of the landowner(s)
  3. acknowledging limitations
  4. description of actionable steps that will lead to a result consistent with the identified goals and objectives
  5. opportunity to apply for third party certification
  6. opportunity to apply for external funding

Through my years of forest management experience, I have developed the necessary skills and knowledge to develop quality forest management plans.

Woodward Forestry can take the lead and help develop a solid, comprehensive forest management plan, or simply a plan to fill-in any gaps which may exist.