Timber Harvest Administration

The decision to move forward with a timber harvest can be a big one for small forest landowners. This may be the landowner's first timber harvest.

One of the most important steps is to clearly define the goals and objectives of the harvest.

A well-defined goal will help determine the balance between the timing of the harvest, anticipated costs and revenues, and other influencing factors.

Woodward Forestry ensures that our clients are able to successfully navigate this process.

Important considerations include:

  1. Timing of the harvest.
  2. Optimizing log value with the best mill selection.
  3. Selecting the best logging contractor for the project.
  4. Complying with state and federal forest practice laws, including the new rules of the Private Forest Accord.
  5. Prepare contracts for contractors and subcontractors.
  6. Ensure the process is efficient.
  7. Ensuring that quality control measures are in place, especially for regulatory compliance.
  8. Administrative oversight, i.e., payment for goods and services, completion of work, etc.
fallen tree
log deck

As a professional forester, my clients benefit from my years of experience and expertise in successfully planning and managing timber harvesting operations.

Chris Woodward

logging truck

For more information about forestry practices in Oregon, visit the following links:

Oregon Department of Forestry: Official website of the Oregon Department of Forestry, providing information on regulations, practices, and resources related to forestry in Oregon. (Oregon Department of Forestry)

Oregon Forest Practices Act Rules: A comprehensive guide to the rules and regulations governing forest practices in Oregon. (Forest Practice Administrative Rules and the Oregon Forest Practices Act - 2024)